March 11, 2010

On Vacation

On vacation. Taking a little break. Will update with a new blog soon.

February 1, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Tis the month of love. Valentine’s Day is coming soon. Some of us are excited about it and others not so much. But I say why not be excited no matter what? Every year around this time we see countless articles and stories about couples in love. This is not one of them. I decided to write a blog for those that have not found love yet. Just because it hasn’t happened doesn’t mean there is no hope. The proper timing is not there yet. Just be patient. That is key. It seems that love always comes around when one least expects it or weren’t looking for it. And besides there is nothing wrong with being single either, but if a relationship is what you desire then take your singledom as a time to really get to know yourself. Perfect yourself and then when a relationship does present itself, you will be ready. Look into hobbies or take classes you have always wanted to do. Really do some “me time” sort of things. Who knows you may even meet someone with similar interests. Also be open to different types of people than you might normally consider dating. Break your old pattern. Don’t chalk up past relationships as mistakes or regrets, but experience. Now you know what you do and don’t want in the future. Take a look at these relationships objectively and figure out why there were bumps in the road. Is there some self-improving that you could do? Be honest with yourself. “Nobody’s perfect” as the saying goes. As always, spend time with your friends and keep those relationships strong. Even if all your friends seem to be coupled, stay positive. Your time will come. You do want the right person in the relationship with you, not just the relationship. Have fun this Valentine’s Day and get some friends together and enjoy the holiday. Until March…get out of the past, look toward the future, but live in the NOW.